Installation of Emergency Shower and Eyewash Station in Gas Compression Plant 天然气压气站事故淋浴和洗眼站的设置压缩空气装置压缩空气站
The mathematic model of thermal vapor compression desalination system is given, and the simulation results show that the energy consumption of thermal vapor compression desalination system is less than that of the normal distillation plant. 通过对热力蒸汽压缩式海水淡化装置的分析,建立起其数学模型,模拟计算结果表明,与一般蒸汽直接加热式真空海水淡化系统比较,采用热力蒸汽压缩式海水淡化系统,其能耗明显降低。
Process technology was discussed for changing-building shift system, compression system and synthesis system, and technical scheme was also discussed for three towers refining process and storing-conveying in newly building methanol plant; 探讨了改建净化系统、压缩系统、合成系统的工艺技术以及新建甲醇装置的三塔精馏工艺和贮运系统的技术方案;
The change of pellet compression strength after OG sludge was added to pelletizing mix in shaft furnace pelletizing production in Jianlong Sintering Plant, Tangshan was researched. 针对唐山建龙烧结厂竖炉球团添加OG泥后抗压强度出现的变化进行了研究。
The technology renovation of ammonia absorption by tale gas compression in chemical fertilizer plant 化肥厂合成尾气加压吸氨的技术改造
Those patients all recovered after a series of measures in reoperation including compression armour plate and intramedullary pin fixation, bone plant, etc. 经采用加压钢板、髓内钉固定、植骨再次手术等措施均获痊愈。
Then discussed the need for historical data compression, and the achievement of theoretical methods and plant interfaces and real-time data platform import export interfaces to achieve. 然后,论述了历史数据压缩的必要性、可行性、数据压缩理论和实现的方法,以及电厂实时数据平台输入接口和输出接口的实现。
There exits a desirable cross linking reaction between purified soda lignin and urea-formaldehyde, and their synthetic product has a preferable compression strength of sand fixation, whereas the carbohydrate in the plant raw material has an unfavorable effect on the modified synthetic urea-formaldehyde sand stabilization material. 纯化碱木质素与脲醛呈现出良好的交联反应性能,其合成产物用于固沙的抗压强度较好,而植物原料中的碳水化合物对脲醛改性合成固沙材料则有不利的作用。
An Optimization Analysis of a Vapor Compression Refrigeration Plant Including the Irreversibility of the Condenser 考虑冷凝器等不可逆因素的制冷设备的优化分析
Based on thermodynamic principle and combined with practical example, the loss of exergy and its distribution of refrigeration cycle by ammonia compression in ammonia synthesis plant are analyzed, therefore a basis improving operation is given. 根据热力学原理结合实际分析了合成氨厂氨压缩制冷循环的火用损失及其分布情况,为改进操作提供了依据。
Numerical Simulation and Calculative Model of Realistic Compression Ratio of Oil Plant 植物油料实际压缩比计算模型与数值模拟
Compression Algorithm for Plant Disease Image Based on Best Basis of Wavelet Packets 基于最优基小波包的植物病害图像压缩算法
Several types of refrigeration technology in fishing vessels were introduced, such as vapor compression refrigeration systems, heat recovery systems to power absorption refrigeration plant, adsorption systems for producing chilled water, and adsorption ice-mader systems. 本文介绍压缩式渔船制冷的现状,回收渔船尾气余热的吸收式制冷系统、吸附制冷的冷冻水系统、吸附式制冰系统等实验装置。
Thermal Calculation of the Internal and External Compression of the 40 000m~ 3/ h Air Separation Plant 40000m~3/h空分装置内外压缩流程热力计算
General Laws Governing Wet Compression Process in a Gas Turbine Plant and the Process Performance 燃气轮机装置中湿压缩过程的一般规律及性能
Quench system and compression system are two important parts in ethylene plant. 急冷和压缩系统是乙烯工厂的两大重要组成部分。
It mainly consists of compression device, detrusion device, the gate control device, spraying deodorizing device, the wastedisposal plant, hydraulic system and electric control system and so on. 它主要包括压块装置、推出装置、闸门控制装置、喷雾除臭装置、排污装置、液压系统及电气控制系统等部分。